Logo Masters:
Create Your Brand

Suggested Grade Level: 6-9
Dates: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursdays as noted!
September 17, 19, 23, 24, 26
October 7, 8, 10
Time: 4:00 - 5:30 pm
Location: Blue Lab
Cost: $90 per session

Teacher: Annette Wagner


Coca-cola. Nike. Apple. Tesla. Disney. Starbucks. What makes a logo successful? How do you design a great logo? What is YOUR brand?

In this class, students will learn the basics of graphic design for logo creation. We will review successful logos out in the world (bring in your favorite!). The class includes design models and the cycle of design, requirements for print versus web, color choices, how to critique designs, and more. Students will sketch with pencil, markers, and paper to create mockups. Then we will create final logos and figure how to use those logos on collateral. Final designs will be created with tools like Inkscape and Canva.


  • Learn the basic guidelines for creating logos

  • Create at least one logo for print and web

  • Use a design process to guide the design of their logo.

  • Experience what a critique is like

  • Learn to brainstorm and use pencil and paper to capture ideas

  • Learn to use Canva and related tools

Keywords: logos, graphic design, design process, web, print, color usage, collateral

Additional Info:

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